Yashuah has blessed the waters of our land,
Created the borders of our promised land,
Created fruits for food and leaves to heal,
The covenant of Elohim is promised and sealed.
Our prince of the universe, the son of Yahweh,
Entered the gate of the courtyard at the beginning of that day,
He saw the river of water of life and its base and home,
So crystal clean as it flowed from the throne.
It brought fruits of life to feed the nations,
The curse upon Israel was removed to open their salvation,
Elohim provided light and shall reign for all eternity,
Providing all we need plus countless blessings.
These healing waters are a gift from our Lord,
All we must do is to simply follow His word,
Believe in Yashua, the Prince of our King,
And He will lead us to eternal life in heaven with Elohim
Written by Rev. Bert Calderon on May 26, 2008
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