Our magical moment
I waited for so long
Our magical moment
Carried within me for so long
Our magical moment
As we brought new life
To this world of such uncertainty.
Such a wonderful surprise
It was not one, but two,
This magical moment from a love so true
Twin boys, a gift to cherish for life,
This moment, unmatched by any other
This moment we share, just us, together.
This memory, this moment, forever in time.
Devoted, we are, to these twins we bore,
A blessing in our hearts, we both hoped for,
Our lives as a family shall begin anew,
As we journey together with our life so new.
What beauty we behold in this moment we share,
Our boys, for them we will always be there.
Our magical moment …. We are so grateful for!
Written by Bert Calderon - 12/26/08
Dedicated to Joelle and Stanley Godek
and their newborn twins, Anthony and Nicholas - my God sons
Written by Bert Calderon
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